The Fraud of Guy Ballard

Psychic Dictatorship in America (1940) by Gerald B. Bryan reveals unpleasant facts about the I AM group. His book “is a study of strange psychological forces revealed mainly through the history of a single subversive cult, but which have their influence also on other movements operating in American today.” The purpose of the book is to reveal the I AM cult as a sinister political movement to bring about a weird sort of government in the United States.

There is a belief that the followers of I AM Movement are fighting a war against superstitions and evils of the world. In his book, Bryan shows that Ballard had plagiarized much of his works from earlier Theosophical writings.

Bryan points out that Ballard’s experience on Mt. Shasta is strikingly similar to Frederick Spencer Oliver in his book, A Dweller on Two Planets (1895) and The Brother of the Third Degree (1894) by Will L. Garver.

Garver, Ballard and Oliver:

  • Meet an Ascended Master at Mt. Shasta and are led into the mountain and descended to a large bronze door into circular chambers;
  • Describe white lights;
  • Note St. Germain’s strong political ties in the United States and Europe and is described as having blond hair, blue eyes, and smooth skin;
  • St. Germain beacons Ballard into Mount Shasta and travel quickly through time and space;
  • Ballard’s and Garver’s books specifically discuss the “Law of One,” the impending cataclysm, and the “Great Luminous Beings” that dispense their knowledge to the elite.

Further Reading

Psychic Dictatorship in America is a PDF file.

A Dweller on Two Planets is available online.

The Brother of the Third Degree is available online.